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Bookkeeping 1st Floor Rm #1101

  • 检查监督试用期的余额
  • 支票(如现金债券的返还)
  • Mail / Deliveries (USPS, FedEx etc.)

Child Support -1st Floor Rm #1101

  • Child Support-Dept. 社会服务处处长(DSS) ONLY
  • NOTE: Child Support CANNOT look up court dates. 被告必须打电话给DSS案件管理员.
  • 清除子女抚养费

Cashier-1st Floor Rm #1200                          

  • 支付认证背景调查费用
  • 支付法庭诉讼费
  • 监督试用期
  • Pay for Marriages

District Criminal & Traffic Records-1st Floor Rm #1300

  • Criminal & 交通法庭日期/法庭
  • 缴付交通罚款
  • 有限驾驶特权(LDP) 因为酒后驾车或超速驾驶
  •  Bond Forfeitures
  • Vehicle Seizures

Civil Judgments-1st Floor Rm #1400

  • Divorce Decree (10多年了)
  • 上诉-小额申索/驱逐(租金保证金)
  • 就判决收取款项(权利通知书、执行令状、付款)
  • 杂项留置权(税务、业主拥有房屋计划、劳工) & Materialmen)
  • Name Change-Resumption of Name

Civil Filings-1st Floor-Rm #1500

  • Lawsuit Filings
  • 驱逐(出租物业)文件
  • Restraining Orders (DVPO’s, DPO’s)
  • Notice of Contract
  • 机动车留置权 ALL liens but LT-264A
  • 有限驾驶特权(LDP) 因为DWLR或超速驶出州
  • 丧失抵押品赎回权/拍卖 (Taxes)
  • Divorce Decree (Less than 10 years)

Sherriff Office 1st Floor-Rm # 1700

  • Gun Permits

 高级犯罪记录-2nd Floor Rm #2100

  • 债券没收-仅限crs案件
  • 高等法院日期/法庭/律师信息
  • Copy of CRS files 

区域法院/少年事务书记-2名nd Floor Rm #2200

  • Judicial Bypass
  • Emancipation
  • 虐待或忽视/依赖
  • Delinquency
  • Child Custody- DSS involved

 Estates-2nd Floor Rm #2300

  • Guardianships
  • 死亡原因的所有权转让
  • Year’s Allowance
  • Wills/Probate
  • Inventories

特殊Proceedings-2nd Floor Rm #2400

  • Guardianship-Adults
  • Name Changes
  • 合法化/出生证明
  • Adoptions
  • 在出售权下丧失抵押品赎回权 (Mortgage)
  • Surplus Funds
  • 分治/车道/边界纠纷
  • 机动车留置权表格 LT-264A ONLY

Jury Pool-3rd Floor Rm #3000

法律援助谘询诊所- 3rd Floor Rm # 3200

Magistrates-3rd Floor M1, M2, M3

  • 业主与租客法庭聆讯
  • 小额钱债法庭聆讯
  • Marriage Ceremonies

Family Court-6th Floor Rm #6500

  • Child Custody- non DSS
  • Divorce Filing
  • Child Support-non DSS

 契约登记册2011e. Main St. 2nd Floor

  • 出生和死亡证明
  • Marriage Licenses
  • 记录分离协议
  • Assumed Names